All Failures & Lacks Are The Best Things to Happen to Us
3 months ago, when I received this email from my Taiwan client, there was this feeling of bittersweetness.
I was happy because this was the client I did a Zoom consultation last June. He sent me this email on the one-year anniversary date of our Zoom call, to express his gratitude. How sweet!
On the other hand, I could relate to the emotional turmoil he felt at that point in his life.
His experience was my past. It also took me a very long time to walk out from my gloominess.
Once, I analysed the Bazi of a very young lady. She was meticulously jotting down notes as I spoke.
Her detailed note-taking skills easily took the top place among my clients.
Halfway through, I noticed her right hand was trembling slightly. I thought it was due to the cold draft from the air conditioning, so I asked if she needed a shawl.
She replied that it was her anxiety disorder acting up.
“I was not fierce or strict with you. What caused your sudden anxiety?”
“I…ever since the pandemic disrupted my plans, I have been in this state of anxiety. I kept feeling useless. All my classmates are progressing expect me. I have nothing to show for and my life is in a mess. I am very anxious. What if I continue to be like this? What am I going to do?”
As she spoke, her eyes turned red and tears started rolling down like a broken strand of pearl necklace scattering onto the ground.
Oh dear! I am beginning to wonder if I have a tear-jerker face or a heart-tormenting voice. Why do my clients, regardless of gender and age, North South or East West, seem to cry easily when they see me?
I grabbed a piece of tissue and handed it to her.
“Ain’t I here already? You came to me for a roadmap and you are very lucky to see me so soon. Look at how precise and neat your notes are! Many of my clients aren’t even on par with you. My job today is to give you answers. If I didn’t have the confidence, I would not have taken up your request. Now that I did, that means there is still hope. If you follow my instructions, you will see things looking up very soon.”
On another occasion, a mother in her forties came to me for her son’s Bazi consultation.
As I was analysing, the mother nodded her head in agreement. The next thing I know, she started weeping loudly.
I turned to look at her husband, who had been silent all along. Did I say something wrong? And hello, your wife was crying. Why weren’t you gentleman enough to give her a tissue paper?
“I am a useless mother. I am incompetent. I do not know how to teach my son well. I love my son very much. But many times, I do not know what to do and thus I flare up at him and speak harshly. I always regret afterwards. I tried enduring but it still ends badly!”
I did not interrupt her and waited for her cries to soften, before speaking gently, “I’m here! I’m already sitting in front of you. You are looking at me now and that means help is here. You know that you are incompetent, so you went looking for solutions. That means you are willing to learn how to be a better mother!”
I handed a piece of tissue and said, “Don’t cry anymore, otherwise, other patrons will think that it’s because I refuse to lend you money.”
Since young, we have been using external possessions to define whether our lives are worth liking.
The family we are born into, our looks, health, body shape, intellect, talents, and then we move on to compare our academics, friendships, career, wealth, marriage and children.
If we are lacking in the area we covet most, we grade our lives as a failure.
I think this is the biggest problem in societal education. Our parents and teachers categorized us that way. Whether we as children are worthy of their love and bragging, depends on the few points above too.
Thus over time, we can only use the term “success” to determine whether we are of value, for some people, whether they should live on to take their next breath.
I very much prefer the definition in Buddhism. We are all Buddhas. Each and every sentient being in the six realms has a Buddha nature in them. But they got lost momentarily and fell into the endless wheel of reincarnation.
Yet, because of our Buddha nature, we have an unlimited source of potential. Every one of us has a very powerful strength inside us. It is just waiting for us to meet an accomplished teacher, so that we have the tools to explore and understand it:
And this strength that we are born with is the capital for us to transform and establish our own destiny.
If life is smooth-sailing, we would never want to leave and would mistake this mortal realm for Pureland. Thus, we all need sufferings, to realise that we should break out of this hell of a place. There has to be a better world somewhere. So how we get there?
We should, in fact, be grateful for all the setbacks and failures we have. Because it is from these sufferings, our wisdom arise:
No single Bazi is perfect. Every failure and lack we experience is the best arrangement for us, so that the heart of renunciation will arise in us and we will return to where we came from.
同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過136萬的網紅JJ Lin林俊傑,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[Click CC for English / Chinese subtitles] JJ 林俊傑親自與大家分享關於《LIKE YOU DO》更多背後的故事,專輯概念及創作歷程,與 Anne-Marie、Steve Aoki 合作故事! JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文...
「like you do 如你」的推薦目錄:
- 關於like you do 如你 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於like you do 如你 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於like you do 如你 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於like you do 如你 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於like you do 如你 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於like you do 如你 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於like you do 如你 在 JFJ Productions - 2020.10.19 22:45 林俊傑【倖存者• 如你】... 的評價
- 關於like you do 如你 在 [歌詞] VIVIZ [Beam Of Prism] BOP BOP!歌詞中譯- 看板GFRIEND 的評價
- 關於like you do 如你 在 q2ray github. Chocolatey. - bospa175 的評價
like you do 如你 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
記得小學時期學校有學童保健服務,每年都要啲小學雞去做身體檢查, 而五年級有一次,班上嘅肥仔張同學去完學童保健之後返學校分享個女護士 摸佢JerJer,揭起佢包皮檢查,我心諗:痴L線㗎?仲有王法嘅!就真心膠地以為 高年級去學童保健會被護士姐姐摸JerJer,是類似成人禮儀式的一種,但冠瑤係 可遠觀而不可褻玩㗎!細細個已經知道要潔身自愛守身如玉潔冰清嘅我,就唔敢去 學童保健呢個褻玩兒童嘅邪惡組織(我細個誤會咗sor),所以五六年級我都冇去學童保健檢查身體,成為我後悔一生嘅一個決定,因為冇去學童保健令我完全唔 知一個人人皆知而又極重要嘅性知識---男仔的下體要揭起包皮清洗。
為免太重口味太Hard core,以下內容開始會用「車厘龜」嚟比喻男性下體, 大家自行領會。
因為由細到大我見到我嘅車厘龜都係戴住頸巾,我誤以為車厘龜個頭天生就係 連住頸巾,條頸巾就係佢嘅表皮,頸巾入面就係內臟唔可以揭開,正如你手多多搣開你條頸層皮會點呀?死囉!所以由細到大直到中四整整十五年間,我從來都冇揭開過車厘龜嘅頸巾嚟清洗,日積月累之下,佢條頸嘅皮膚就一直痴實條頸巾越痴越實,更加睇落好似born to be like this佢天生就born with a scarf咁,Baby I am born this way~
返到屋企我鎖住浴室道門,暗自下定決心今日一定要除到車厘龜條頸巾,如果唔係我唔姓劉!我打開花灑較到熱水不斷用最強力嘅水柱巨炮沖向車厘龜,因為我睇古裝劇啲古代女人臨盆都係用熱水嚟鎮痛,原理係你啲肉熱到熟咗就唔會痛,而喺高溫嘅加持下 好快我隻車厘龜就熱到暈咗開始冇乜知覺,我就用手出盡力咁嘗試搣車厘龜條頸巾落嚟,一開始都好順利我用秒速1mm嘅速度慢慢咁搣條頸巾落嚟,但因為龜頭嘅皮膚已經完全痴實條頸巾,所以過程仲係好痛呀媽咪呀我一度想放棄!從此改姓陳啦唔姓劉!但係我唔捨得呀因為姓劉嘅聽講都係劉備嘅後人,講畀人聽好威威,為了繼續做劉備的後裔,我將花灑嘅水較到最熱同佢死過!今次我要破釜沉舟!不成功!便姓陳!
高溫燒滾了我~一切!我一鼓作氣乘勝追擊出盡力一撕!Yeah!又收復一大片失地! 慢慢地,我那十五年來一直被包皮覆蓋住不見天日嘅一片江山重現人間!原來真正嘅車厘龜頭係粉紅色唔是肉色㗎!U look so cute! 我人生第一次見到我隻車厘龜真實嘅面貌,車厘龜亦係第一次從包皮中探出頭來!就好似初生嘅BB一樣,Say hello to the world!
但正所謂:「一鼓作氣,再而衰,三而竭」,好快我因為長時間處於高溫又唔通風嘅浴室入面開始缺氧,而我以劉備嘅磅礡氣勢收復天下嘅大計亦都正式進入咗樽頸位,最難攻陷之地就係車厘龜條頸!有基本常識嘅人都知道車厘龜嘅頭部係上窄下闊,所以車厘龜條頸呢個位置地勢險要易守難攻!一來神經線比較密集敏感度70%UP!二來好似你著縮咗水嘅樽領毛衣咁,往往會喺你頭部最闊嘅位置撠住唔上唔落進退兩難,我久攻不下已經想放棄下星期再 搞,而且我屋企人已經狂拍門因為我喺浴室入面已經個幾鐘,仲問我搞咁耐係咪喺入面生仔,其實那時那刻,我真係好體會到嗰啲未成年少女被人搞大咗個肚喺自己屋企 廁所到生仔嘅嗰種徬徨!無助!全世界得自己可以倚靠嘅嗰種絕望!我們都只是因為 性知識不夠而闖了禍!Respect!Me too!
「Do you wanna be岳飛?」
No! I Don’t! I wanna be on top! 我仰天長嘯!力拔山兮氣蓋世!唏!我用盡吃奶的力一嘢扯下車厘龜的頸巾!Unbelievable!我不敢相信自己的眼睛,我成功了!車厘龜的頸部同條頸巾分離了!I am Free!Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
呢個moment,我同自己講唔好驚,人生流流長,整爛咗一兩條Jer好閒㗎啫,行出街大把人爛Jer啦!冠瑤我有咩大風大浪未見過呀?臨危不亂是我的優點!人係天生天養嘅,以前啲原始人整親都冇醫生睇啦!咪又係自然癒合,Everything will be alright!相信Mother Nature!相信我地嘅大自然母親!Amazing Grace~I need ur embrace~
我有諗過Call白車睇醫生,但我驚聽日報紙頭條會係【中學生血染浴缸 除包皮陽具盡毁?】,心諗我當初仲係小學雞嘅時候唔去學童保健就係唔想被陌生嘅姨姨摸我JerJer,先保住咗我嘅貞節,唔通我依家十五歲大個仔先嚟去醫院畀人摸JerJer咩!What a shame!咁我童年時嘅矜持同堅持仲有咩意義?Meaningless!
經過二十分鐘,我卒之止到車厘龜嘅血,就慢慢小心翼翼咁著返衫褲,步伐蹣跚咁竄出廳搵消毒藥水 同膠布,我幾經辛苦卒之喺櫃桶底搵到一支【藍藥水】,心諗馬死落地行,就搽咗成支【藍藥水】落去我那奄奄一息的車厘龜頭上。
就這樣過了一星期,我後悔了,我應該睇醫生的,I am Wrong,Quiz Wrong!
車厘龜的傷口在大自然母親的加護下慢慢癒合,一星期後,我赫然發現,我的車厘龜頭,變了紫藍色。因為【藍藥水】的色素沉澱,車厘龜頭頸部的傷口變成了一圈紫藍色的龜頭Tattoo,既搶眼又叛逆,我看著我那勁colorful 漸變色的車厘龜頭,我好驚,我好羞愧,我安慰自己,這隻車厘龜,只是Pokemon超低機率出現的色違 小精靈而已,而且車厘龜本身就是藍色的不是嗎?它只是回到了最原始最Original 的自己,而已。
我從此入男廁只會走入廁格,因為我好驚如果我去尿兜小便,隔離位男同學眼尾睄到我那蒼色の龜頭,會問我: 「咦?亞種嚟嘅喂!」
【2021香港書展】7月14-20日|Hall 1A - D02
like you do 如你 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
Time to fall in love?
曼迪·萊恩·卡特隆(Mandy Len Catron)為「現代愛情」專欄寫了一篇文章《如何快速與陌生人相愛》,她在文中提到心理學家阿瑟·亞倫(Arthur Aron)等人的研究成果:兩個陌生人之間的親密關係或許可以通過彼此詢問一些特別的個人化問題而快速升溫。這36個問題分為三組,一組比一組來得尋根究底。
Set I 第一組 ❤️
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Set II 第二組 ❤️❤️
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
17. What is your most treasured memory?
18. What is your most terrible memory?
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
20. What does friendship mean to you?
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
Set III 第三組 ❤️❤️❤️
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling ... “
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share ... “
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
❤️ 看完這些問題後,會想到哪一部愛情片? ❤️
Tag someone who needs these questions~
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/3z5eep9
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3uYjIie
TED影片: https://bit.ly/3cn9jWC
like you do 如你 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的最佳貼文
[Click CC for English / Chinese subtitles]
JJ 林俊傑親自與大家分享關於《LIKE YOU DO》更多背後的故事,專輯概念及創作歷程,與 Anne-Marie、Steve Aoki 合作故事!
JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文EP《Like You Do》
數位收聽 ? https://jjlin.lnk.to/LYDAY
■ 更多林俊傑相關資訊:
林俊傑官方 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/JJLin
林俊傑官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jjlin
JFJ Productions官方Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jforj
JFJ Productions 官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jfj_productions
JFJ Productions新浪微博:https://www.weibo.com/jfjproductions
華納音樂官方 Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/WarnerMusicTa...
華納音樂官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/warnermusictw/

like you do 如你 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的最佳貼文
✧ Listen to “July” HERE 來聽歌
Youtube MV: https://youtu.be/sEJypi8BIls
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/u83d2ckk
KKBOX: https://tinyurl.com/3sr2bd76
iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d
Apple Music: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d
✧ Lyrics & Chords 歌詞和弦
Written by 詞曲: Dena 張粹方
Key: Bb
Shape: Capo3, G major key shape
it’s like the summer’s gone but it’s still july
the light is bouncing off your skin
like a ray of black and white
sometimes you feel like there’s nothing else you can do to make things right
no matter how hard you try
you still feel like you’re not enough and you don’t know why
Em D/F# C
just breathe a little
CHORUS: G D/F# Am C (Cm)
you don’t have to live under the weight of the whole world on your shoulders
i promise that you’ll feel better when you
take your time and sing along to your very own tempo
you’ll realize that you will be just fine
sometimes you can’t help but compare yourself
with whoever showed up on your feed
they all seem to be doing so much better
sometimes you feel like there’s nothing else you can do to make things right
no matter how hard you try
you still feel like you’re not enough
you’re running out of time
just breathe a little
you don’t have to live under the weight of the whole world on your shoulders
i promise that you’ll feel better when you
take your time and sing along to your very own tempo
you’ll realize that you will be just fine
Bridge: Am Bm7 C D
now who says you’re not good enough
cus to me your
perfect just the way you are
so don’t you let those hurtful words
bring you down oh i know this feeling
way to well
you don’t have to live under the weight of the whole world on your shoulders
i promise that you’ll feel better when you
Em D/F# C Cm
take your time to recognize what i see in you
you’re perfectly imperfect
and i love you
oh i do
love you
✧ Social Medias 社群
https://www.instagram.com/dena_chang/ @dena_chang
✧ Business Inquiries 工作洽談
✧ About Dena 有關Dena
Dena 張粹方是一位創作歌手,近年發行了自己的作品如《你愛他》《Don't Worry》等熱門流行歌曲,在各平台造成迴響外,作曲與演唱實力也深受業界肯定。作品與聲音收錄在多名兩岸歌手的專輯中,其中包含『林俊傑』、『楊丞琳』與『陳零九』等。Dena同時也是一位音樂生活紀錄 YouTuber,經常分享英文學習、音樂評論、生活紀錄等題材,深受年輕粉絲喜愛。
#Dena #July #Pop #英文歌曲 #全新創作英文單曲 #張粹方

like you do 如你 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的精選貼文
JJ Lin 林俊傑 《倖存者· 如你》維度二 首張全英文EP《Like You Do》
OUT NOW 全面數位發行 https://jjlin.lnk.to/LYDAY
Have you imagined a world where
You’re more than just You?
What would that be like?
Drifter • Like You do - a Double-dimensional, deluxe EP creatively led by JJ Lin, from music productions to visual concepts. The music narrative of DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO is inspired by a concept JJ has been ruminating on - the possibility of a parallel universe.
In this latest release which marks JJ’s 14th album, as well as his first english EP throughout his illustrious career of 18 years, JJ delves into his innermost thoughts and feelings, redefining his music perspectives to put forward a stripped down and introspective representation of his music and self.
In Quantum Theory
Space and time are not continuous
A parallel universe is a possibility
Could it be possible that somewhere, somehow
In an obscure corner of the universe
An infinite number of us exist?
Where perhaps, I could be you, and you could be me?
I seem to be a Drifter in this vast expanse... Like You Do.
Part One: The 1st Dimension - DRIFTER
Music has always been an expression of self for JJ. His journey of self-discovery could be traced back to his From M.E. To Myself (2015) album, with him eventually finding the connection between himself and the world, and shared through his Message in a Bottle (2017) album.
In the recent years, JJ embarked on a different route to self-discovery as he shifts the focus of his music from self to “you”. Conveyed through his double EP DRIFTER • LIKE YOU DO, JJ propounds a new direction for self-reflection.
DRIFTER EP features six brand new Mandarin songs that weaved together a complete concept of: What would you do, if you, were not just you? The songs inspire us to contemplate the possibility that our consciousness could determine who we are - there could be multiple endings to every story, and when we believe so, the future will be limitless.
Part Two: The 2nd Dimension - LIKE YOU DO
An extension of Drifter, LIKE YOU DO explores a self-examining concept: What is left after you rid yourself of expectations?
When darkness descends, have you, in pursuit of survival, stumbled upon another version of yourself that is so foreign yet familiar? You could be that drifter, that is the only glimpse of hope left in a despondent world. Which version of you would emerge in face of adversity? If a parallel universe does exist, JJ is breaking out of his shell and introducing the hidden version of himself that we have yet to meet via LIKE YOU DO.
Partnered with new music collaborators Fernando Garibay, Nasri Atweh, Joshua Kissiah Cumbee, Ramiro Padilla and Daniel Padilla, JJ endeavours to offer fresh perspectives and sounds for this EP.
The journey and story of this alternate JJ Lin has just begun.
“All these years, one thing I’ve learnt is that it’s one of the hardest things in life to accept the flawed version of ourselves. We work so hard to be the best and to be perfect; many times we want to believe that we are unstoppable, and that only by being strong, we can be successful.
“Like You Do” to me is the opposite of that.
Every song is a reflection of the darker version of myself. And I’ve found a sense of healing, by reaching in and realising that true strength is found in embracing every version of the self. It’s only when you strip yourself of all expectations, that your every next step will be a form of gain and reward.
There is beauty in that.”
— JJ Lin
然而,【Like You Do】對我而言正是相反的。
- JJ 林俊傑
【Like You Do】中的JJ Lin是一鍵歸零,
也是一步躍進。 跳脫既定模板,拋開過往的該與不該。
在【Like You Do】EP中,JJ Lin回到做音樂的本質面貌說故事,當這個語言更加直覺,遇見的自己就越加真實。捧著初衷的純粹,JJ成為昏暗夜晚中的一雙堅定眼神,穿透情感與歲月的虛與實。一刻明亮的獲得,是歷經所有的願與不願,坦然面對這些擁有與失去,於是回歸誠實後的純粹,如這世界上的每一個你,重新擁抱世界附加在自己身上的能量。
為帶給這張全英文EP更完整的體驗,JJ遠赴異地,尋找更多不同的聲音,當沒有任何模板框架,跳脫以往的創作模式,他的音樂更加自我也更加自由。JJ邀請多次獲得葛萊美獎項提名之專輯製作人- Fernando Garibay、Joshua Kissiah Cumbee、Ramiro Padilla、Daniel Padilla等多位專業音樂人攜手創作。與全新的音樂夥伴合作,無論曲、詞,JJ自在地享受,完全地吸收來自不同的音樂人所給予的能量,共同激盪出不同以往的音樂風格。一切不經設定、沒有設限也沒有包袱,放下習慣的唱腔,衝撞出全新的聲音。所有面貌都是最原始最嶄新,也是翻面後的第一頁。
這個挑戰,是JJ 17年來從未有過的經驗,在華語市場中多年的累積,逐漸締造屬於最JJ的音樂版圖。但這一次,林俊傑顛覆一切的認知、放下一切的理所當然與成長脈絡,為了自我實現的這一刻,成為了歸零的JJ Lin,勇敢擁抱陌生的環境與不同的音樂文化,JJ已經不是JJ,但也不再只是原本的JJ。

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